GBCSA and WPN spend mandela Day Among Friends

he Johannesburg office, in conjunction with the Gauteng Chapter of the Women’s Property Network (WPN) hosted a party for the children at the Compass Pre-School at Compass Community Provision and Social Services Organisation in Edenvale, Johannesburg while the Cape Town office organised and delivered donations to Thula Thula Hout Bay to assist the 10 000 people displaced by the huge fires in Imizamo Yethu in March this year.


GBCSA CEO, Dorah Modise says, “Our purpose in life is to do good for the betterment of our lives, the life of those around us and of course the environment that sustains us. The late President Nelson Mandela was a selfless humanitarian of note and we can only aspire to be like him, we therefore use this day as a remembrance of what he stood for and we consciously go out to serve others. Let’s continue giving and, importantly, give of our time.”


GBCSA CEO Dorah Modise said that the organisation was absolutely overwhelmed by the generous outpouring of donations from their member community, and that the GBCSA extends a warm and heartfelt thank you to these big-hearted organisations.


Schindler Lifts who joined the celebration donated a whopping R17 000 towards bedding and water efficient solutions, to which Italtile also contributed shower heads and water flow restrictor kits; Eris Property Group donated R10 000 for the purchase of a fridge and microwave oven; Smith Bekwa Incorporated will be contributing monthly food vouchers; Profica Professional Project Management contributed R5000 towards more much-needed food for the children, while Nthwese Developments and Harris Marcus Mahlangu contributed the food and entertainment for the party. Moema’s Patisserie donated a delightful tribute Nelson Mandela themed cake, while ABSA, Advancement Solutions, Full Serve, Netcare Foundation and GBCSA contributed cash, food and clothing. Mickey Mouse Nursery and Pre-Primary School donated piles of beautifully hand crafted blankets, and a special thank you goes to Ndoda Funeral Services who made a generous cash donation and took the day off work to attend the event. WPN members and GBCSA staff also contributed with donations and their time.